Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Love me some colour

Thought I'd kick off this blog by spreading the word about one of my favorite design tools / toys -- ColourLovers!

For those that haven't stumbled across this gem yet, you're in for a treat. Colourlovers lets everyday people like you & me compile and post our favorite colors, palettes and patterns. You can search thousands of colors, shades and hues and then see how they match up in a complete palette. It's magic.

Even better, ColourLovers allows you to download these palletes in a variety of formats --

  • ASE - can be used in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, CS2 and CS3
  • PS - a Photoshop Swatches File
  • AI - Adobe Illustrator file (opens a new IA doc with the palette in the swatches panel)
  • CS - Color Scheme Studio palette
  • HTML - downloads a HTML page with the colors specified as RGB and Hex values with an internal CSS stylesheet.
  • ZIP - downloads a zip file with all of the above, except the Adobe Swatch Exchange (ASE) file
Endless of hours of fun, this site, and endless uses. What types of projects do you use ColourLovers for? Which are your favorite palettes? Share, please!

Credit: Above 'Itsy Bitsy' pallette submitted on ColourLovers by wingedvictory